So I had a lamp that I love, but the shade had seen better days. Finally a week or maybe a month ago :) (since the addition of our second sweet baby my concept of time is off more than usual even) the lamp shade was so badly in need of love I just retired it into the trash can, but not before saving the metal framing for a possible project later :). Soooo I had been looking at some of my favorite spots to shop for supplies and crafts, but I was finding nothing! The shades were either super expensive or just a paper form with lots of love needed. I ran across a lamp shade that was too long and lacked any character really, but it was a good width and I had my fingers crossed as to the cost. It was unmarked and all alone on a random shelf. Surprise for me because I get to the register and it was $8 on clearance!
I get home and decide I'll try it as is, but it was awful. You couldn't reach the switch at all once I put it on. So then I decided I would cut it down and just go from there. I took a small knife from my kitchen for this project. A crafters knife of any sort would have been more helpful, but this was the closest thing to me when I decided the lamp shade was going to change and work for me if I had anything to do with it! I sliced around the entire form to shorten the length and repeated a couple of times until the length looked really cute. Remember to slice away from you at all times. This specially was a project where the form slipped some while working with it so it made me a little paranoid while cutting Then, I grabbed a small belt I never wear and thought I might use it as an accent detail around the base... I decided against this, but will use this concept again because I liked the look of a thin braided belt as an accent. I ended up choosing some pretty ribbon that complemented my bedroom colors and the lamp shade just in a simple easy solid color. It was a navy shade and now a simple white ribbon. To do the project I just carefully used hot glue because the lamp shade material and ribbon fabric were perfect for this simple choice to just hot glue. (I love my hot glue gun!)
The lamp shade is now much better than before and only $8 for it! Simple fix. Maybe 30-40 minutes to just get the shade length to what I liked and add ribbon!
Basically, do not give up on a redo you have in your mind. Don't necessarily get your mind set on a certain path either. Look in clearance, look in odd places, grab what looks like it may not work yet has potential and the best things often come from these purchases!!! Pictures attached below of final lamp with new shade!!! :) I am happy and hope this offers some inspiration for a project on your shelf at home as well!! :)
~~Momma Mia