There is a wonderful site I follow and have mentioned on here before ( that offers advice and information on a wide range of topics, but I specifically really enjoyed this post that I will give a link for below. Moms and dads offering their advice and knowledge for a new parent as per requested by a new dad. There were so many strong and smart things people listed for the new daddy who posted for helpful advice and tips from his audience. I really found it a great thing to read and a wonderful reminder as a parent and wife.
My little one is just now one and a half years old. He is our first and currently only little one. So I feel I am so new at so much! I feel badly he has to experience me learning as I go, but I know we all do it. My time to pray and my mom and dad's advice is our rock as we experience all of these new things. As long as we learn as we go with every bit of love in our hearts for them we are doing the best thing we possibly can for them and they will know that (Now as parents we need to remember that as well for the moments we feel we fall short. As long as we are offering them all we can we are doing our very best and need to remember that is the most we can do and it's definitely a great start :D) Cherish every moment with your children as I cannot even figure out where time went in just this past year and a half. He's so grown up and big now! So expressive and such a big little adult is the best way I can explain it. He's the most loving little guy and an absolute blessing every second. My husband and I just want to teach him and guide him to follow the Lord and be the person through out his whole life that we already see so impressively in him now.
Hold your little ones every moment you are with them. Love them as if they are a gift of the most priceless value because they are absolutely just that. Learn who they are and listen to what they want to share with you. Don't miss time and moments because of things that can wait. They are the most important thing. Involve them in the activities you know you need to do and they will learn to be responsible and helpful. Always be kind and patient. Step back and rethink before you ever respond with anger as that only teaches them how to respond as well. No one is perfect, but if we try with every bit of us they will know that and all will be okay! Just remember they are such perfectly precious gifts from God! Children are the bright sunshine in our every moment offering true love, honesty, faith, innocence, entertainment, and joy like nothing else. If only we could harness and keep hold of every one of their characteristics as adults. This world would be a totally different place. Cherish their presence in your life. :D
I also wish the best to the gentleman and his family who posted the blog link listed above that really enriched my evening and made me write this "Mommy Moment post".